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A Conservation Plan or Conservation Technical Assistance by the Soil and Water Conservation Districts and NRCS gives the landuser a voluntary plan to address opportunities, concerns and problems of natural resources on their land. It can be the first step to aid in making sound decisions of resource management and eligibility for Federal, State or local programs.


These plans allow the Districts and partners such as the Natural Resources Conservation Services (NRCS) provide Technical and Financial Assistance.


Our planners work with a wide range of cooperators including

  • farm operators,

  • non-operating landowners,

  • farm management companies,

  • non-profit organizations,

  • universities,

  • community co-ops, and others.


These types of operations range from traditional row crop farms and livestock ranches to organic crop and forestry operations. There is no size limit for the cooperators we can help.


If you are interested in a Conservation Plan, please fill out the New Client Intake Form and return by email/mail or drop it off at our office.

A permit is required for any soil disturbing activities such as grading, grubbing, and stockpiling. More information on the Kauai County Sediment and Erosion Control Ordinance can be found here.





  • Receive technical assistance at no cost

  • Optimize the use of natural resources on your property and decrease soil erosion

  • Improve water use efficiency and minimize the environmental impact of farming

  • Become familiar with government regulations and receive guidance on how to prevent violations

  • Comply with lease requirements for other agencies

  • Qualify for county Grading, Grubbing & Stockpiling permit exemptions


Land managers and farmers who decide to become cooperators can receive further Technical Assistance from our Conservation Specialists. Technical Assistance can range from preparing a conservation plan with specific practices to achieve conservation, or providing resources for plant materials, experts and other tools.


During the planning process, the conservation planner works closely with the cooperator to:


1. Discuss farming, ranching, or other land management objectives

2. Examine natural resource concerns and opportunities

3. Point out areas for possible protection, restoration and improvement

4. Discuss economic goals for the farm, current farming operations, and future plans

5. Review recommendations for conservation systems or individual practices, and

6. Weigh alternatives.

The Districts work closely with the NRCS to offer reimbursement and incentive programs for cooperators who have an approved Conservation Plan and qualify in the application process.


For more information on Financial Assistance programs available, view the NRCS website or contact us.

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4334 Rice Street, Suite 207

Lihue, Hawaii 96766

808-245-9014 x 3

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NRCS & the SWCD Districts are an Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer.

Our website is best viewed with Google Chrome or Firefox.

Updated 12/17/19

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